Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Dems put boot to Kucinich

WASHINGTON — Congress without Kucinich?
The colorful and combative Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) lost his primary race Tuesday, eliminating yet another bombastic personality in an increasingly flavorless Congress.
The eight-term liberal flag bearer (pictured), the most outspoken critic of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, once proposed a Department of Peace and made two quixotic runs for president.
With the retirement of the acerbic Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), Congress will be absent two of its most dynamic members.
“Kucinich succeeded in not blending in,” said Nathan Gonzales of the Rothenberg Political Report. “No one ever accused him of sitting on the bench.”
Kucinich lost the Democratic primary to Rep. Marcy Kaptur. Redistricting threw the two into a district that stretches from Toledo to Cleveland.
Kaptur’s Republican challenger will be Samuel “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher, who gained fame during the 2008 presidential campaign when he spoke to Democratic candidate Barack Obama about Obama’s small-business tax plan. 


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