Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

GOP presidential debate: It gets nasty

Republican presidential candidates got down, dirty and petty on Wednesday night in their last televised debate before next week’s Michigan and Arizona primaries, the Washington caucuses and “SuperTuesday.”
The exchanges often had little to do with the Great Recession, the economy or problems facing America in the world.
Rick Santorum hit Mitt Romney over a health plan he developed with bipartisan cooperation as governor, under which 94 percent of Massachusetts residents have health care.
“What you did was use federal dollars to fund the government takeover of health care in Massachusetts,” Santorum said.
Mitt Romney attacked Santorum his Senate vote for a funding bill that included an infamous proposed bridge between Ketchikan, Alaska, and neighboring Gravina Island.
“While I was fighting to save the Olympics, you were fighting to save the Bridge to Nowhere,” Romney charged.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Santorum retorted.
Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, continued a habit dating back to last year.  Paul goes on the attack against whatever candidate is rising to threaten Romney.  He ran “hit” TV ads on Texas Gov. Rick Perry, and then ex-House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and now Rick Santorum — and went after Santorum on Wednesday night.
“I find it really fascinating that when people are running for office, they’re really fiscally conservative:  When they’re in office they do something different,” Paul said in a shot at Santorum.
Paul was asked about a statement he made calling Santorum “a fake.”
“He is a fake,” said Paul.
“I’m real, I’m real,” Santorum shot back.
The candidates went into contortions trying to out-conservative each other. “When we have programs that teach abstinence in our schools, the liberals go crazy and try to stop them,” said Romney, once a pro-choice politician and supporter of gap rights.
Santorum used out-of-wedlock births and “teens who are sexually active” to argue against contraception.  He denounced Romney for a Massachusetts policy in which hospitals had to provide so-called “morning after” pills to rape victims.  The policy was “entirely voluntary,” Romney shot back.
Gingrich wasn’t hitting at his opponents, but accused Obama of supporting “legalized infanticide” while he was an Illinois state senator, namely legislation “to kill babies who survived abortion.” 


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